25% gains early, I don’t think we are finished yet


Well done to those who got in RITE early and captured solid 20-25% gains within minutes of the opening bell.
It has since pulled back but looks like it’s forming a base around here.
The selling hasn’t been aggressive at all. It’s just buyers are waiting for a better entry.
This could be the time.
Today’s volume is massive – bodes well for continuation this afternoon.
Remember, its a lot lower risk buying the dip than it is chasing the highs, so now is as good a opportunity as any to capture gains on any move back up towards the $0.17-0.18 level.

In case you missed it, the news that hit earlier…

MineralRite Completes Acquisition Of Strategic Manufacturing Facility In Lindon, Utah

LINDON, Utah, April 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — MineralRite Corporation (RITE) is pleased to announce the successful acquisition of Goldfield International Inc, In Utah.

In March 2013, MineralRite completed the acquisition and took over operations of Goldfield International Inc,(www.goldfieldint.com ), a premier supplier of alluvial gold, diamond and other gem stone recovery equipment manufactured in the United States.

MineralRite is engaged in the business of mineral
processing,certification and sales of precious metals.The company will
focus on the extraction of gold and silver from client ore bodies and
mine tailings.

With this acquisition MineralRite headquarters has been moved to the location in Lindon, Utah.

"We are extremely excited about this acquisition. Goldfield is cash
flow and net income positive and is a great addition for us at this
time. Goldfield is a great brand in the mining community and opens up
many networks for us. The company was in a maintenance mode in their
business and now we will set it into a fast global expansion mode. It
will enable us to develop our own ore processing lines in-house and help
us move closer to accomplishing our aggressive goals we have set for
the company.We have several projects we are working on and this new
ability of having our own fabrication facility helps us expedite some of
our projects," said Guy Peckham, CEO and President of MineralRite.

MineralRite’s new Goldfield brand equipment line has has numerous
enquires and sales in the month of March and the new management in place
at the fabrication facility successfully completed,sold and shipped
multiple units worldwide.

"March was an exciting and challenging month for us to take over
operations, make some changes to operations and continue to provide good
service to our new and old customers. With the value of Gold continuing
to stay above $1300 per ounce, the economics of prospecting and
recovery has been growing dramatically and the need for more equipment
is constant. All our equipment we are currently producing is already
sold and will most likely be air shipped to various locations," said
Kent Harmon, President of Goldfield.

ABOUT GOLDFIELD- Goldfield brand of mechanical separation equipment
has been in production since 1996 and has been shipped been shipped to
customers in 32 countries on 6 continents over the years. Goldfield
headquarters and manufacturing facility entails over 40,000 sq feet of
space at 55 South Geneva Road In Lindon, Utah.


MineralRite Corporation is engaged in the processing, certification
and sales of precious metals including gold, silver, and the platinum
group metals.  Using various proprietary and ecologically friendly
processes and technologies, the Company extracts precious metals from
mining operations ore, reclaimed mine tailings and high value
concentrate material.

Safe Harbor statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform
Act of 1995: MineralRite Corporation encourages those interested in our
Company to rely only on information included in our filings with the
United States Securities and Exchange Commission which can be found at www.sec.gov.
Statements released by MineralRite Corporation that are not purely
historical are forward-looking within the meaning of the "Safe Harbor"
provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995,
including statements regarding the company’s expectations, hopes,
intentions, and strategies for the future. Investors are cautioned that
forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainties that may
affect the company’s business prospects and performance. The company’s
actual results could differ materially from those in such
forward-looking statements. Risk factors include but are not limited to
general economic, competitive, governmental, and technological factors
as discussed in the company’s filings with the SEC on Forms 10-K, 10-Q,
and 8-K. The company does not undertake any responsibility to update the
forward-looking statements contained in this release.

MineralRite Corporation
55 South Geneva Road
Lindon, Utah
Email: info@mineralrite.com 
Website: www.mineralrite.com www.goldfieldint.com

I’ve done the hard work for you already, take a look at my technical analysis below.
Chart is showing many positive attributes, and there is some very bullish sentiment coming into RITE.
And at $0.16, with a small float and a $8.5m market cap, who wouldn’t take a closer look at RITE?
Unless of course you don’t like making money in the markets.





MineralRite Corporation (RITE) is a development stage Company in
the business of mineral processing, certification and sales of precious metals.
Based on current trends in the mining industry including recovery, processing
and spot pricing, MineralRite will specialize in the extraction of precious
metals from ore bodies.
MineralRite’s primary focus in the natural resource sector
is gold. Using its advanced metals extraction technology, MineralRite is well
positioned to meet the large demand for clean processing of precious metals
including gold, platinum, rare earths and silver. The MineralRite process
reduces the carbon footprint of traditional precious metals processing and
recycles, reactivates and allows for the reuse of activated carbon for precious
metals recovery.
The company has two core business units to service the vast
and expanding mineral industry, MRG (MineralRite Recovery Group) and MSG
(MineralRite Sales Group).

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RITE’s Technology and Processes
Mineral Rite has developed technology advancements in nano-deposition
layering metals and the usage of catalytic metals (Platinum, Palladium,
Iridium and Rhodium), which are able to outperform the industrial base
metals in many applications. This is particularly applicable in the area
of energy production.
There is significant movement by society toward
the usage of fuel cells, electrolysis cells, anode and cathode
configurations, and catalytic reactor plates. All of these can be
considered sustainable fuel technologies that will benefit from the
technology advancements in catalytic metals, which is a key aspect of
the company’s success. 
If you want to know more about RITE, make sure you check out their website.
Our verdict is that RITE is definitely one worth paying close attention to tomorrow.
And we say all of this while standing beside our impressive record of picking solid winners for members.
The Team

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