BYRG Showing Strong Support, Could Fly Tomorrow


Good evening all,

Without further delay (and I do apologize for that), let me introduce you to…
Buyers Group International, Inc (BYRG)

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BYRGclosed yesterday at $0.07, after a wild day trading as high as $0.075 and low as $0.052.We don’t normally like such volatility, but we see some VERY encouraging signs with BYRG.

1/ There is multi-month support at around $0.05. What does this mean? Well, there are very keen buyers at this level, which supports the price. Presumably they see BYRG as very attractive at this level.
2/ Despite aggressive selling yesterday at several points in the day, BYRG bounced big (check out the intra-day chart on the right). Again, this tell us there is strong underlying support.
It also traded around the $0.20 mark just a month or so ago, so we think there is plenty of upside from these levels.
Also, BYRG management released some pretty big news yesterday.  
They announced important drill program reports for their Wyoming project. You can read it in full at

The last time BYRG traded
around this price was in January, and it bounced up to $0.20ish – that’s a 185% gain in just a couple
weeks. We think it has potential for even bigger, faster gains
Check out the longer term chart below. You can see what I mean about heavy support at this level. You will also note the very low RSI, which means its oversold, and the bullish MACD.

About BYRG…

Buyer Group International, Inc. was originally incorporated November 16th, 1994
as a Nevada Corporation. Current incorporation is in Wyoming.The current company
is a spin-off of Curlew Lake Resources, Inc., an oil, gas, and mining producer
operating in British Columbia, Canada. Operations in California, Colorado, and
Texas were divested as Buyer Group International, Inc. was taking shape, to
divest certain holdings and create a new management group under new leadership
and directorship.

Now, the company is primarily focused on new opportunities in precious metals
and recently announced it will upgrade reporting of its minority interest in
440 acres in Wyoming, and is moving to prove reserves through a drill
program!  Metals already encountered include, Gold, Silver, Platinum, and Rhodium.

With a number of upcoming potentially significant developments, BYRG could see just
the catalyst it needs to once again see the kind of major breakout rally it has
proven to be capable of in the past!  
Some Key BYRG Developments

BYRG to Upgrade
Reporting of Interest in 440 acres in Wyoming

BYRG CEO David Bryant announced that the company has reviewed its interest in
the property in Wyoming as a potential for upgrade in the reporting of mineral

In the course of proper diligence, the CEO of BYRG spoke with the driller, who
indicated proper chain of title was undertaken with the 1994 program by
Longyear Company and the samples sent to the labs for assay. "Those
samples, we believe, support a full scale drill program that can be implemented
fulfilling the Guide 7 requirements for a full valuation.  I personally
believe this will prove what we’ve come to accept all along, that there’s gold
in those hills," Mr. Bryant said.

Original estimates attempted to value 10 acres out of a 50 acre claim
area.  New
information indicates that the total of 21 claims actually encompasses 440
acres on the project area.

BYRG Newsletter to
Shareholders – Message from the CEO

Buyer Group International, Inc. announced, "The past several weeks have
been very exciting for BYRG. We have been actively negotiating several large deals
and are close to knocking open the doors to signing commitments granting BYRG
exclusive ownership rights to interesting metals and mineral property. These
locations are extremely
valuable and have superior long-term levels of potential. Part
of the value proposition that BYRG has proposed includes bringing in financing
to commence operations on these lands."

BYRG Receives Letter of
Interest for 2013 Exclusive Joint Business Development with KADIN

BYRG announced that it has received Letter of Interest for joint development of
projects in Indonesia from business development organization Indonesia Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (KADIN).

"We are excited to be moving into this accelerated phase of
business development.  The indication in writing by the chamber to
establish a joint venture and provide exclusive support through their
organization is a capstone for our business development strategy," said
BYRG CEO Dave Bryant.  He further stated, "Indications
are that KADIN wishes to be the sole regional supporter for Buyer
Group International.  This is a testament to the fundamental
strength of our approach to business development and capitalization
in the region.

BYRG’s website

We think strong technical’s aligned with good news coming out of the Company sets BYRG up for a profitable trade. I encourage you to do your due diligence tonight and be ready to bank tomorrow.





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As always, we’ll keep you informed of any updates or changes in trading conditions.

The Team
Penny Stock General

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