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GMAIL users please watch the short video for instructions on how to add our email address to your address book and receive our emails in to your inbox…

Receiving our emails…

Detailed instructions can be found below. If at anytime you wish to cancel your subscription, simply select the Unsubscribe option at the bottom of any email from us.

Instructions to add our email to your “address book” to  ensure you receive are valuable stock alerts:

1. Sign into your Gmail email account.
2. Open your contacts list by clicking the ‘Contacts’ tab:
3. Click the ‘Add Contact’ tab to open the ‘Add Contact’ page:
4. Paste or type our email address such as ‘’ into the ‘Email’ field and click the ‘Add Contact’ button:
5. You have successfully added Penny Stock General to your ‘Safe List’!

1. Sign into your Hotmail email account.
2. To open your Contacts list, click the ‘Contacts’ tab:
3. Click on the ‘Safe List’ tab to open your Safe List:
4. Paste or type our email address such as ‘’ into the ‘Type and address or domain’ text field. Then simply click the ‘Add’ tab.
5. You have successfully added Penny Stock General to your ‘Safe List’!

1. Sign into your Yahoo email account.
2. Open your address book and click on the ‘Address’ tab:
3. Click the ‘Add’ tab button and the action will open the contact form:
4. Paste or type our email address in the ‘Email’ field and click on ‘Save’.
For example, type ‘’ into the ‘Email’ field.
5. You have successfully added Penny Stock General to your ‘Safe List’!