EVSV is in initial stages of a strong bounce higher


Dear valued subscribers,

I have a dream trading setup tomorrow. It is in the initial stages of (what I think is) a confirmed bounce from significantly oversold levels, and I think there will be major continuation tomorrow (and possibly into early next week).
Check out Enviro-Serv Inc (EVSV) now.
This one has been beaten down by market makers and short sellers (I suspect), but has found strong support around the $0.004-0.005 level. It has since showed signs of life, and we think tomorrow will be a big continuation of this bounce.
It’s hard to put a target on these types of plays, but I will say, it very much looks like former support (and now possible resistance) was at $0.015 – so this would be my best guess as to where the stock might be headed. If it gets there, that would be a 88% gain from Thursday’s close.
But remember, I’m a trader employing technical analysis here – I don’t have a crystal ball, and of course, nothing is guaranteed.
The best news is, EVSV is getting a ton of exposure, and therefore could be propelled a lot higher on Friday.
Therein lies the problem however, because of the dreaded gap up (where it opens higher than the previous day’s close).
As I have consistently preached, try not to chase big gap ups unless there is strong enough volume/momentum to carry it higher.
Instead, perhaps wait for the pullback (and confirmed support) to pull the trigger. Gains will be much easier to come by and you have much less chance of getting stopped out.
Now, a little about EVSV…





EVSV targets services companies in the commercial and residential property
maintenance industry. Through investments, joint ventures and acquisitions,
Enviro-serv is building a portfolio of property maintenance services companies
that are geographically concentrated in warm climate states. These companies
provide year round services including pest management, lawn and ornamental
care, pool maintenance, air conditioning/refrigeration engineering and a host
of additional onsite maintenance offerings.


Research has proven that
approximately 75% of property services companies employ less than less than 5
full time employees. In a highly fragmented marketplace with no clear exit
strategy, our goal is to achieve growth by making sound investments in
companies that are delivering quality professional services.


EVSV Strategy 

Enviro-Serv is targeting companies with successful management teams,
established marketing channels, and strong growth opportunities. This also
includes companies with fixed assets and exclusive licenses.

EVSV‘s Chairman and President
Christoph Trina says the company is in the process of finalizing its detailed
sales and marketing plan and which will launch aggressively after its pending
name change… which is official today!! 


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EVSV in the news

You can read more about EVSV on their website at http://enviro-serv.com/
Remember, employ solid RISK MANAGEMENT and EVSV could give you opportunities to make money on Friday.
The Team

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