IOGA new $56 annual revenue contract + hot chart = gains on tap


Special Pre-Breakout Alert: Inscor, Inc (IOGA)
Good morning,
I trust you had the opportunity to do some homework on Inscor,
Inc (IOGA)
last night.
If not, there is still time this morning – just keep reading.
First and foremost, IOGA just announced some very big news that could very well see its share price break out soon. 
INSCOR, Inc (IOGA) Secures Contract Worth an Initial $36 Million in Annual Revenue
INSCOR’s Preliminary Revenue Forecast Is $200 Million+ in Year Three
LAS VEGAS, NV–(Marketwired – Jul 30, 2013) – INSCOR, Inc. (PINKSHEETS: IOGA)
announced today that it has been awarded the sole contract to replace
the lost or stolen welfare cards to be issued via Global Cash, Ltd., for
members of the Republic of Ghana’s National Mass Social Welfare Scheme
(MSWS), which is being implemented by the Millennium Development
Project. MSWS is a social welfare initiative aimed at alleviating
poverty by offering financial help to the poor and vulnerable. MSWS
provides assistance for a number of welfare needs that include:
affordable housing, educational grants, and providing capital to set up
new businesses.
This is truly great news for IOGA. News that could be just the catalyst to push IOGA much higher.

IOGA has a bullish chart and is ever so close to breaking out to fresh multi-month highs.

Hence this timely alert comes now so you have the opportunity to get in before it does ..
IOGA has made a strong move higher over the past
few week or so after consolidating for a extended period. Volume is
increasing and we are right at breaking point.
About IOGA
IOGA is a highly unique Company, one that will be in very
high demand as US Local, State and Federal Governments come to terms with an
estimated $3 trillion of unfunded Retiree Health Care and Other Post-Employment
Benefits (OPEB).

has developed a range of products that will essentially allow public entities
to meet these liabilities over time, without taking on additional debt, without
raising taxes, and without cutting spending even more.

These solutions have been used by Fortune 500 Companies, and
now IOGA have tailored them to the 67,000 some Government entities across the
United States.

The innovative Financed Insurance Trust OPEB plan, or FIT OPEB plan, is a
customizable solution developed by IOGA which combines the procurement of
specifically-designed life insurance on active employees using funds borrowed
from the financial sector, or bond issuance, and secured by the insurance
policies themselves.

(Financed Insurance Trust)
strategy generates substantial cash flow to fund these OPEB liabilities at
little or no out-of-pocket costs to the municipalities.

FIT plans can be modeled to not only provide significant
volumes of life insurance, but also create substantial cash values that can be
accessed to provide a tax-free income stream during retirement. In most cases,
depending on age and insurability, FIT plans are designed with little or no
out-of-pocket expense.

These FIT
plans tailored for high-net worth individuals, athletes and entertainers could
be a sleeper revenue driver in the athlete market.

In a nutshell, a FIT
plan can provide a cash stream to support each year’s OPEB
obligations, plus fund future OPEB liabilities with little or no spending
increases, tax increases, or reduction in benefits.

==> IOGA issued with a $3.25 price target by prominent research firm

The Three Primary Components
of FIT OPEB and FIT Plans include:

Financing: Financing through established lenders
with favorable terms specifically-designed to fund the premiums for life

Insurance: Typically, Indexed Universal Life
policies through a select group of companies are used in FIT strategies. The
policies must offer the potential for high cash value growth without risk.

Trust: FIT
plans are generally modeled with a specifically designed trust to own the
policy in order to provide for important benefits, including preservation of
all tax benefits, protection against out-side creditors, and the availability
to access the cash.

And IOGA has many competitive advantages…

– Unique and innovative company with key executive
management with over 80 years combined experience

– Only viable, low-cost solution for municipal market that
does not include raising taxes or issuing new bonds

– Diverse corporate and individual tailored, target market

– Highly profitable model with recurring revenue streams

We encourage you to continue your research on IOGA at their

And IOGA has released some nice news of late which we feel
will give investors confidence going forward…

We strongly believe IOGA could
be a very good short to medium term trade, for many reasons. 

1/ There is a strong fundamental story to the Company – a
story that could develop realizing the Company substantial recurring year on
year revenues.

2/ The chart is extremely bullish and liquid. Momentum is
building, having recently broken out on strong volume and has since pulled back
to support.

3/ There is a strong push by the Company to get IOGA in
front of the investing community, for all the right reasons. We
therefore expect many hundreds of thousands of investors eyeballs to be focused
on IOGA in the coming weeks, if not months.

IOGA has blockbuster news, an extremely bullish chart about to breakout, and a lot of investor buzz. This is definitely the one to watch on today.


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