Many Reasons to Like PLPL for a Multi-Day/Week Run




As always, I’m hard at work this weekend scanning the charts and doing some homework on more stocks for us.
I’ve found a few good candidates, but only one that really stands out.
Plandai Biotechnology, Inc (PLPL)


PLPL has had a nice run in the past couple months, but the biggest move is about to come soon.
We are in a bull market folks. Stocks are running big. 1,000%+ gains are common now. 
Do you want some of these gains?

PLPL has an explosive chart in progress. Take a look below. It has had a solid run thus far, but it has not finished yet.
The chart is "flagging" right now. A flag is a very bullish chart pattern that signals to technical traders that buying demand and selling pressure is in equilibrium after a strong run higher. Usually, a flagging chart is proceeded by a big run higher, often times a parabolic surge.


It is clear that the recent trading range is tight. Support looks to be around $0.48, with resistance around $0.53. A break higher out of this flag formation will mean big gains for PLPL buyers.
The point here is that we must be a buyer of PLPL while its trading in this range, before the inevitable run higher.
This may be a multi-day or multi-week event, not a quick one day play.
PLPL is more than just a chart.
Investors have been excited about PLPL for a while now. And it’s no wonder why, take a look at some of the recent press on PLPL.



MicrosoftInternetExplorer4Plandai Biotechnology (PLPL) intends to
transform the world of nutraceuticals and
is the culmination of over ten
years of research in the field of plant extracts. Its principle holdings
consist of land, farms and infrastructure, totaling more than 8500 acres, in
the province of Mpumalanga,
South Africa

This Seattle based biotechnology firm uses a
proprietary process that is dramatically improving the bioavailability of their
compounds through molecular changes to the live botanicals themselves.

PLPL controls every aspect of the process, from growing
the raw materials on its farms in South Africa, to producing its
patented Phytofare(TM)
extracts in-house, allowing the Company to guarantee the continuity of supply
as well as quality control throughout the entire process. Targeted industries
for the Company’s products include food and beverage, cosmeceutical, wellness,
nutraceutical, anti-aging, and pharmaceutical

==> The Future with PLPL Starts Here <==

What is Phytofare(TM)?

The company’s patented hydrodynamic sheering process through
which live plant-materials are converted at the molecular level during
extraction into a nano-particle structure that mimics that found in human
tissues.  Where most botanical products have less than 10% absorption,
according to the company and documented research,
Phytofare(TM) is clinically
proven to have far superior absorption. 

translates into the
ability for users to receive a
clinical dose with lower quantities.  By definition, when a medication is
administered intravenously, its bioavailability is 100%.  When a
medication is administered in any other way, orally for instance, its
bioavailability generally decreases due to incomplete absorption and may vary
from patient to patient.  Bioavailability can be defined as a measurement
of the amount of any compound to be absorbed into the bloodstream.

In short, PlandaĆ­ takes the
good, removes the bad and amplifies the benefits of nutrients to manufacture
better food and drinks through better technology.  
PLPL has collaborated
with some of the biggest and brightest minds in the food and beverage

=>> In Depth Fact Check on the amazing Plandai Biotechnology <==

According to the Company, PLPL will look to
introduce 3 separately branded extracts that will offer customers the high
bioavailability that its patented technology can provide.

  • Green Tea Catechin Extract
  • Citrus Limonoid Glycoside
  • Carotenoid Botanical Extract
Addressing a number of the
most talked about areas in the industry, these extracts will look to offer
preventative and inhibitive options for:  cancer prevention, anti-viral
protection, anti-inflammation, antioxidants, weight loss, high blood pressure,
and sports injury recovery.
We think a look at PLPL at these levels is a must, in anticipation another strong leg higher.
Remember the general rule. Each move higher is usually stronger than the prior move. 
The next run higher in PLPL, should be bigger than the 200%+ run it made a few weeks ago.

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