OOIL has (Quite) Amazing Technology and a Strong Chart to Boot



I am back from a very relaxing holiday week. Refreshed, recharged and ready to bank!
So without delay, I’m ready to announce a new pick that I have been researching.
I want you to read about OriginOil (OOIL) tonight and be ready to trade tomorrow.
After reading about what OOIL does I’m sure you will be just as impressed as I was.

OriginOil (OOIL) has developed a
breakthrough process for removing up to 99% of contaminants from the very large
quantities of water used by the oil & gas, algae and other water-intensive

Unlike other technologies for
dealing with highly diluted contaminants, the company’s patent-pending Electro
Water Separation(TM) system rapidly and efficiently removes organic material from
large volumes of water without the need for chemicals.

In oil & gas, OOILis helping to clean up frack and produce water more efficiently to reduce harm
to the environment. For the algae industry, OOIL is making large-scale
harvest possible. And in aquaculture, OOIL is helping improve yields and
make seafood healthier by slashing levels of toxic ammonia and bacteria. For a
world short on fresh water, OOIL is the lower-cost and cleaner answer.
If you missed it, the CEO of OOIL was
on Bloomberg last year (sitting right next to the legendary Jim Rogers
no less) talking about their company and award winning technology.
The demand for OOIL‘s
technology is very widespread and critically important for oil poor
countries, such as Japan, South Korea, and Italy (to name a few) will be
key markets.
And check out this video
to see how the French are installing OOIL’s JV technology for local
urban algae production that will be used for water purification and
energy production.
I’m sure you will agree that OOIL and its technologies have a LOT going for it.
But what if I told you that OOIL‘s revenues have increased 226% this past year, and increased 290% the previous year.
… And that OOIL was currently only valued at just over $9 million.
Would that peak your interest?
It has our attention, that’s for sure.


Recently OOIL has been announcing some very positive news and customer acquisitions.
A couple of weeks ago, OOIL announced
New Global Energy (NGEY) will adopt OOIL’s water cleaning and algae
production technology to clean and revitalize shuttered fish farms in
Southern California’s Coachella Valley. Check it out in full here.
And just last week OOIL announced
that its Electro Water Separation (EWS) system will be utilized by
AlgEternal Technologies as a key component of their proprietary algal
production system. Read more about this story here.
We think OOIL is
in the midst of some very exciting developments. Its growth could
really ramp up as oil prices continue to skyrocket, and the world is
looking for large scale, environmentally friendly energy production
For more information on OriginOil (OOIL), please make sure you visit their website at www.originoil.com
I will touch base with you tomorrow morning and update you on any new developments or insights into OOIL. Until then, let’s look forward to an exciting trading day ahead.

The Team


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