China’s Massive Military and Economic Buildup is the
Greatest Threat to U.S. Security!

Here’s how you can make huge profits
as the U.S. counters China’s ruthless
plan to cripple U.S. defense and
technology industries.

The very future of General Dynamics, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Intel, GE, Motorola, Honeywell, Microsoft and a host
other U.S. defense and electronics companies could

Depend on the success of this
still-undiscovered U.S. company!

Fellow Investor:

There can be little doubt, the sleeping dragon has awakened. And, it’s bearing its fangs and breathing fire in America’s face.

China can no longer disguise its desire to become the world’s dominant economic and military power:

  • China’s official defense budget rose 11.2% to $100 billion in 2012. Who knows how much it’s not reporting?
  • China is developing a range of capabilities linked to the space and cyber domain in order to sidestep the overwhelming might of the U.S. military in the Pacific region.
  • China’s People’s Liberation Army boasts more than two million under arms – by far, the biggest military in the world.
  • In the last 18 months, territorial rights to the resource-rich waters of the South China Sea have led Chinese Navy Ships to clash with ships from Japan, Vietnam, South Korea and the Philippines.
  • China seems to be testing the strength of America’s 1960 Security Treaty with Japan by attempting to force the U.S. to take sides in the dispute over the Senkaku Islands.
  • On Nov. 23, 2012, China confirmed the first successful carrier landings of its J-15 fighter aboard its first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning.
  • Meanwhile, China’s continued currency manipulation has increased the U.S. trade deficit to $295 billion a year. China has amassed foreign exchange reserves of more than $1 trillion USD, far surpassing any other nation’s reserves. And China’s yuan remains undervalued by as much as 40 percent against the U.S. dollar.

Although little publicized, there’s a far more serious and
more immediate threat to the World’s balance of power:

China currently has a 95% choke hold on the irreplaceable, high-tech materials the U.S. defense industry absolutely must have to keep making missile guidance systems. . .drones. . .smart bombs. . . orbiting surveillance equipment and a host of other high-tech weapons and communications.

What’s more, without these critical materials, America’s electronics industry could no longer manufacture iPhones… iPads… iPods… MacBooks… PCs… HD-TVs… GPSs or most of today’s hot electronics. China’s economic plan is to capture those manufacturing jobs!

China has announced it is going to choke off exports of these essential materials in an all-out effort to cripple America’s military might and force the U.S. electronics industry to move manufacturing jobs to China.

But now, thanks to a forward-looking American start-up, the U.S. defense industry and our consumer electronics manufacturers can be assured of an almost-limitless, domestic source of this essential resource.

Great American Energy Inc. (SRBL)
is estimated* to be sitting on…

$143.25-Billion* worth of the critical defense materials the U.S. has previously had no choice but to buy from China!

A very conservative recovery rate of just 10%
translates to $14.325 billion in recoverable* minerals representing a per-share value** of $161.26!

Buy $10,000 worth of SRBL now while you can still get it at this absolute ground-floor price around $1 a share and when it explodes to $10.00 you could be sitting on $100,000!

For complete details…

* Based on samples taken from its 7,311 acre Bear Creek, Nevada property in August 2010 and report by Dr. Stewart A. Jackson, Ph.D., P. Geol. (Feb 2011), the Bear Creek Property’s estimated in situ value is $143.25 billion. This writer has assumed that there is a 10% recoverable reserve based on these findings. This may or may not be correct.

** Based on 88,833,334 shares issued and outstanding as of November 14, 2012; Form 10-Q

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