Today’s Alert Blew, New Pick Coming Soon


Dear valued subscribers,


It goes without saying that today’s pick didn’t work out as we hoped.
We think there is some shady stuff going on behind the scenes, but cannot be sure, nor can we verify this.
It was a risky play, and that’s why we included this important message in our email alert…
"We must stress that BOPT could be a very volatile play.
While we think there could very well be a short squeeze, we want to
point out that "catching a falling knife" can be a dangerous game.
We think there will be a bounce, and a
strong one at that, but we cannot guarantee that the selling is over. It
is for that reason we urge you to trade cautiously today. Big gains
await, but only to those who employ sound risk management principles."
I’m actually (pleasantly) surprised that I haven’t received any emails from angry subscribers.
Although I really shouldn’t be surprised at all… Because it shows me that I am doing my job educating you on how to trade, and more importantly, how to survive another day when things don’t go as planned.
Nobody picks winners 100% of the time. If that’s what you want or expect, please go sign up for another "guru" newsletter – and good luck with that.
For those who take small trading losses in their stride, you should remember the last three picks we’ve alerted you to over the past couple weeks have amassed more than 200% in potential gains.
Net-net, you should still be up big. 
Enough said. On to our next pick that we will announce later this week, for which we will do our absolute best to ensure its a quality winner.

The Team

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