We’ve Found Just the RITE Pick for Tomorrow


Good afternoon all,
ERBB gave us a small pop today,
giving us real potential gains of around 10% (yawn) – it did gap up as I
expected it might, but then pulled back and found support at $0.0048
then hit new highs at $0.0052. 
If you look back at my analysis, ERBB could be a multi-day play like it was in January, February and again in April – so while I’m not advocating the "buy and hope" strategy, it is definitely something to keep an eye on.
Now let’s try for something bigger tomorrow… 
Take a look at MineralRite Corp (RITE).
As usual, let‘s look at the chart first (as this often determines what will happen in the short term)…
There is strong support at current levels (closed Wednesday at $0.046). There also appears to be some resistance at $0.06ish, but if we break through this level, and therefore breakout of the descending triangle, RITE could move very well tomorrow.
It’s difficult to put a target on a play like this, but in an ideal world, the 50 and 200 day moving averages are a magnet. In this case, $0.16 is the 50day and $0.29 is the 200 day.
Hitting these targets might take more than a day, or it might not happen at all. But the more momentum and volume that comes into RITE, the better chance it has to run quickly.
Breaking News, RITE just announced news after the bell today.
That’s right (excuse the pun), RITE will be featured on the Discovery Channel.
This could really get traders buzzing and momentum flowing tomorrow.
Now let’s look at the "fundamentals" of RITE
  • The Company operates in a very HOT sector, one which is in big demand right now and will be for the foreseeable future.
  • Their technology and services are highly unique and proprietary, which means they have a tremendous competitive advantage from which to grow its revenues rapidly.
  • RITE has a strong and experienced management team
  • The Company is already deriving revenues, made a strong profit in the last quarter, and is projected they will continue to grow fast.
  • RITE is an audited, SEC Filing company.
  • The chart is looking very good, with a bullish cup and handle forming, and pulled back a little yesterday for a good entry point.
  • By the looks of things, RITE is in the early stages of a large awareness campaign, which means there could be plenty of upside to come.
  • At less than $0.50, with a $25m or so market cap, the Company could be considered cheap relative to its peers
Need a little more convincing? Keep reading…
MineralRite Corp (RITE) is engaged in the processing, certification
and sales of precious metals including gold, silver, and the platinum group
metals.  Using various advanced proprietary and ecologically friendly
processes and technologies, the Company extracts precious metals, including
gold, platinum, silver, and rare earth metals from mining operations ore,
reclaimed mine tailings and high value concentrate material.
A rising long term forecast for gold and precious metal prices, and a rapid increase in exploration, has created many opportunities for expansion, and RITE’s services will be in HIGH DEMAND.
RITE‘s revenue is derived from a Service Fee that
ranges from 3% to 15% on ore processing. Further, the Company charges a 15%
Recovery Fee on additional commodity recovered – This revenue potential is HUGE with any large discoveries.
RITE’s Competitive Advantage >>>>
The Company has several key competitive advantages that will
allow rapid growth and profitability.
First, they are predominantly a service oriented business, which means their capital is not tied up in large amounts of potentially unproductive land. Therefore RITE is not exposed to the same risks that traditional mining Companies are. Instead, their services and equipment are utilized by these Companies to extract minerals from their properties – and RITE gets a very large share of the reward.
Second, their management team has vast experience in
identifying undervalued mineral and precious metal reserves across three
continents.  The executive team has many
years of international experience, including more than 20 years operating in
various capacities throughout Asia, where there is also substantial interest in MineralRite.
Their sales vehicle, MSG, will be used to identify, certify
and sell undervalued mineral assets throughout the world. They have previously
identified many companies with significant stockpiles of minerals that require
its carbon reactive processing, and the Company believes there will be a large
ongoing sales pipeline, of at least five years, with the processing of these
built up inventories.
Perhaps RITE‘s biggest advantage is its’ advanced
proprietary extraction technologies, operated by the Company’s Recovery Group
In addition, the Company’s service agreements are unique to
the industry. These agreements allow the company to derive high
margin and recurring revenues, with a potential large payout when
additional commodity is recovered.
We believe RITE has a
lot of potential to become a highly efficient, revenue machine. If they
can execute their technologies effectively, and take advantage of the big increase in exploration activity, RITE can increase their revenues, and profits, very quickly.
I think you should keep a keen eye on RITE tomorrow, ahead of any news and further awareness activity that could see it move well. 

The Team

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