WRAP has Fortune 500 Clients, a $0.60 Target, and Lots of Insider Buying


Dear valued subscribers,


Check out Wrapmail, Inc (WRAP) now.
We just finished some due diligence on WRAP and we found some very intriguing things.
Like how the CEO, Rolv Heggenhougan, is an active open market BUYER of WRAP shares as seen at http://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/WRAP/insider-transactions
We often see insiders selling shares, but not in WRAP – there has been NO selling by the CEO.
And there is only ONE reason why an insider BUYS shares of his own company on the open market folks – because they believe the share price will rise!!!
Wrapmail, Inc is a growing company with a very unique product with a ton of potential that operates in a multi-billion dollar industry.
They have been featured on TechCrunch, AdTechReview and many more high profile startup and technology related websites and blogs.
In a nutshell, WRAP targets both the one-to-one email user and the mass email marketer, and is rapidly taking market share from giants like iContact, Constant Contact (NASDAQ:CTCT), MailChimp and more.
And WRAP’s service offers several key differences and advantages over its competitors, such as:
  • Guaranteed delivery with images in tact – without the dreaded "red x".
  • Interactive letterheads that allow users to advertise their website, or other offerings, thereby enabling them to promote their brand, cross-sell and drive traffic to their website.
  • Full reporting, such as tracking of clicks, forwards etc.
  • Available for use on all third party email platforms such as Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail, Outlook, as well as smart phone email applications.
  • Users can generate income by displaying third party advertising – with a program very similar to Google’s (GOOG) Adsense program.
This differentiation is huge. And it offers WRAP a big competitive advantage.
In fact, WRAP has some big name clients including Microsoft, Remax and Toshiba to name just a few.
Imagine how beneficial this is to an internet or affiliate marketer who regularly emails his 30,000 strong email database. The potential to earn significant income from third party advertising alone is staggering.
Or what about a business having their product or service displayed on hundreds of Wrapmail users emails – at a cost so much cheaper than they could ever get anywhere else.
Wrapmail users operate in a variety of industries and literally span the globe. Real Estate agents, Car dealers, large corporates, sports clubs, schools and non-profit organizations and affiliate marketers are but a few of the current users of Wrapmail.
And a big reason we love WRAP is the potential for a BUYOUT.
M&A activity has been strong in this sector, with large multi-million dollar transactions having taken place recently. Big companies like Constant Contact (NASDAQ:CTCT), Vocus In (NASDAQ:VOCS) and ExactTarget (NYSE:ET) looking to buy up smaller innovative companies to increase their product offering and reach.
In fact, just a few months ago, a former Wall Street (Piper Jaffray) Analyst gave WRAP a $0.60 Price Target.
In our opinion, WRAP is a prime acquisition target.
It’s small enough for a large Company to buy.
It’s tremendously innovative – offering a service that literally nobody else does.
And its low market value and tight shareholding is very attractive for a potential buyer.
We think WRAP has real potential. At around $0.025, it is trading near 52 week lows, and there is tremendous upside potential – as seen by its run up to around $0.16 less than a year ago.
People love the WRAP story, and we think you will love the potential gains WRAP could offer.
Make sure you have WRAP on watch today.

The Team

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